1. I was headed out of Hanover on the way to Seven Valleys when I got a flat tire. It was my first one in several months but still annoying. But the great thing was that this was the very first time I got a flat and changed it all by myself without any outside assistance at all. Anyway, I continued on and arrived in Seven Valleys about an hour or so later. I took the Heritage Rail Trail down to Glen Rock and was starting to head home when my stupid iPhone went from about 65% battery to 4% in the span of a second. Moments later, it completely died. Mind you, I'd left town with my in-phone battery at 100% AND a spare battery also at 100%. I know GPS drains the battery but 200% in less than 3 hours?!?! For the record, my new phone runs for about 3-1/2 on constant GPS (I had the GPS off for about 45 minutes in the middle of this ride) and drains to about 55% so my complaint with Apple is not unwarranted. Anyway, there I am stuck at the side of the road with no navigation or ability to contact anybody. I just start praying. Amazingly, my phone turns on again after a few minutes and I can see enough of my route to get to a road I'm familiar with. I make it the rest of the way home without further frustration.
2. A couple weeks later and I'm riding the same circuit as story number one and literally less than a mile from where my phone died on the previous venture I accidentally ride onto the shoulder which is mostly gravel. Well my narrow tires don't handle deep gravel very well and I end up doing a face plant on the side of the road. I groan for a minute and then drag myself up off the ground. There's blood above my eye. Not just a tiny little bit either. However, I don't think it's THAT bad of an injury so I get back on Fledge (my bike, named after a horse in the CS Lewis book "The Magician's Nephew") and pedal the remaining 15-ish miles home. Once I get home I take off my helmet and beanie and see that the gash above my eyebrow is considerably worse than I'd thought. It looks pretty deep. So I decide to call my stepmom and get a ride over to the urgent care facility. They end up putting three stitches in. My eye doesn't look so good for the next couple of weeks.
Immediately after the injury |
About 2 or 3 days later |
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