Wednesday, June 18, 2014

New Years in July

Something I realized after February rolled around and the couple of New Year's resolutions I'd made had started to fade was that January 1 is a lousy time of year for making resolutions. The weather for the next 2-1/2 months pretty much stinks and a lot of keeping up resolutions comes down to our emotional state at the time. I thought to myself, "If only the first week of April was the time when our civilization decided what they were going to change, I bet we'd see a lot more people keeping their resolutions." Certainly not 100% of us would keep them but I bet a few more would. So here's your chance!

I'm challenging each and every one of you to change something in your life. Specifically, I'm asking you to look at your spending habits and find something that you're spending money on that is neither good for you nor really truly makes you happy. For me, it's energy drinks/ candy at work. I like it but it's really not good for me nor does it really make my day. Maybe for you it's a daily lunch at McDonald's or Taco Bell. Or maybe your 5 cups of coffee every morning. Or something more extravagant, perhaps. Maybe you feel compelled to go see movies every weekend. Or your video game addiction. Maybe you keep buying apps for your iPhone or Android. Whatever it is, here's what I want you to do: figure out how much money your addiction/habit costs you each month, resolve to set that money aside, and at the end of July (or several times during the month if that's helpful) give that money towards finding a cure for ALS.

This money does NOT go to help me out on the road; it's going to help people who are dying of a terminal disease; people in many cases who do not have good insurance and this disease is costing them money they don't have. By giving up your entrenched habit you are becoming healthier AND helping a person that literally can't help themselves. And this doesn't have to end on July 31st! I would really encourage you to continue this on an ongoing basis. But at least for 1 month. It won't kill you and it's literally helping to save lives. How about it, guys? And if you need accountability, email me at for ongoing morale support! Together, real change is possible.

PS: Donations can be made directly on the right side of my blog at the link "Donate to Wes' Cause". This page goes directly to my 3rd party event page on The ALS Association's website. All that money goes directly to find a cure and care for ALS patients.

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